Vegan Cream Patisserie Vegan Cream Patisserie

Caramel Granolla


Grupa Težina / Zapremnina Proizvod
Seedmix 250 g granola
Florentiner Mix 50 g granola
Crushed hazelnut 100 g granola
Vegan Cream Patisserie 400 g cream
Vegan Rosette 500 g cream
Water 1000 g cream
Pasta Bitter Caramel 80-100 g cream
Masca Apricot extra


For the granola, mix all the ingredients together and pour into a baking tray with nonstick paper. Bake at 170 °C for about 10’.

For the cream, beat Vegan Rosette until it tightens. Then bbeat the water and Vegan Cream Patisserie for 5 minutes at fast speed with the wire. Add Pasta Bitter Caramel and stir until incorporated. Fluff with Vegan Rosette.

Caramel Granolla